for Fantom dapps

Nandit Mehra
3 min readJan 12, 2022

We are building Lighthouse.Storage which is a pay once store forever storage protocol that provides the ability to pay once for the files and store them forever. The file storage takes place on IPFS and Filecoin, while the protocol smart contracts are deployed on the fantom network and other evm based chains.

The team saw an active demand from NFT projects on the fantom network and was thrilled to see the fast transaction confirmation speed of fantom network over other blockchain networks.

Why Lighthouse?

Ever imagined who is paying for the storage of files (jpeg, mp4) of NFT that you just bought? If you are a creator, are you going to manage the storage of the NFT you just sold for lifetime? Hence, someone has to keep track and be paying for that NFT or else someday your NFT is going to point to a blank page. That’s where Lighthouse comes in and allows users the ability to pay once for the files and store them forever. No more centralization and Super important for NFTs and many other use cases.

Installing Lighthouse

  1. Install — To install lighthouse cli on your system (linux, mac, windows), make sure you have latest version of node installed. Then install the cli using the following command

$ npm i -g lighthouse-web3

2. Commands — After that you can run the lighthouse-web3 command in your cli to see all available commands

$ lighthouse-web3

3. Create wallet — Now create a new wallet using the following command. This will create a wallet.json file on your system with private key of that wallet

$ lighthouse-web3 create-wallet

4. Change Network — Change the network to fantom and see the created wallet as in image below

$ lighthouse-web3 — chain fantom

5. Add Fantom Tokens — now top up the above wallet with some fantom tokens by transferring from metamask or binance exchange, etc. These will be requried to cover any transaction fees and associated cost. After that you can check the balance of your wallet using

$ lighthouse-web3 balance

6. Deploy File to Lighthouse— Now that you have created your wallet and topped it up with fantom tokens, it is time to deploy a file to the lighthouse protocol

$ lighthouse-web3 deploy <path_to_file>

This will return you the amount of fantom tokens required to store that file along with the transaction fees. You can confirm by entering Y and then enter the password when asked.

Now your file will be deployed and you will be returned a unique id (cid) and a transaction hash on the fantom network confirming your file storage.

7. Check file status — you can easily check the status of your stored file using the following command —

$ lighthouse-web3 status <cid>

Voila! you just deployed a file forever using the Lighthouse protocol.

You can check the following docs for how you can use lighthouse in your js / node.js project —

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